ED GARRARD HATCH, The Feathered Warrior, July 1999
by Carl Saia aka "The Breeder"
This family is known by many other names, such as Biloxi Hatch, Spangle Hatch, Speck Hatch, Little Ed's, and originally they were called McLean's, by some, including me.
This family, according to Ed, traced back to a spangle McLean Hatch, that was bred and fought by Harold Brown at the old Biloxi Pit. Harold fought this cock, a three time winner, the cock was beaten and looked to be dead. So Harold threw him on the dead pile. Later on Ed walked by, saw the cock was still living, picked him up, took him to the cock house, gave him penicillin tablet. Next morning, the cock could not stand, but he would show against another cock. That evening the cock was standing and trying to crow, so Ed took him home.
At this time, most of the Garrard fowl were based on Harold's Red Fox Fowl. I do know Ed bred this cock to a Morgan
Whitehackle hen that he got from Frank Hooks. I had a half Kelso, half Judge Lacy hen that Walter Kelso sent to my partner David Harding for the use of one of our Judge Lacy brood cock on three separate occasions (cock always was returned). Ed saw this old hen, and decided he wanted to breed the spangle Biloxi cock to this hen. The progeny produced some excellent pit fowl, and was almost set as a family. Later on Ed called me to come over and see a 22 time pit winner he had borrowed from that "great Hawaiian cocker Mr. Lee". This cock Ed called an Asil, I believe he was an Asil cross, according to his feathers. Ed asked me to pick out some hens to mate to this cock as he had to return him to Mr. Lee. I selected several hens, (I believe 4) that were out of the Biloxi cock, and put them in that Asil's pen. After about a week or so, Ed started saving eggs when he was certain all the hens were fertile to the Asil cross cock. Ed had me set the eggs of this cross and I hatched off some 30 odd chicks. Ed told me to keep a few and give him the rest, that gave me some of the fowl, I was now calling them Biloxi, along with Ed.
In 1970 Col. Victor Lee Chun visited Ed's home, it was there I met Mr. Lee's grandson, one very fine gentleman. Several years ago, Col. Chun visited my home, and told me that the Asil cock only received one cut in all of his fights and that he had the honor of sewing up that great cock after he had won his 22nd fight, and then was retired.
The color of the Garrard fowl can be varied from one breeder to another. Some can be straight comb, others look like dark leg Roundheads. The cocks will stand out in any group, as they are tall, long legged fowl. Colors of this family can range for cock, from black breasted reds, some of these have white specks in the breast, and on other parts of the body. Most of the leg color is green or dark legged, lots of them look like long legged Lacy Roundheads. The hens have many color variations from dark spangle to a wheaten color, with green or dark legs and a Roundhead type of body.